Louisiana Small Estate Affidavit

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According to the Louisiana Code of Civil Procedure, under articles 3421, 3431, 3432, 3432.1, and 3434 clarifies that “small” succession as “the succession or the ancillary succession of a person who has died at any time, leaving property in Louisiana having a gross value of seventy-five thousand dollars or less…

If a person living in Arkansas dies with no will, and their house and land are valued at less than $100,000, the family may apply for a Small Estate Affidavit. This form allows the family to bypass probate court, which can take a long time, add expensive legal fees, and…

Per Mississippi’s statute Miss. Code Ann. § 81-14-383, when an individual passes away in the state, then relatives or other legal successors may file an affidavit of heirship to claim the decedent’s bank account as long as the amount does not exceed $12,500. The successors who claim the bank accounts…

In Oregon, if a decedent passes away without a will, their estate normally goes to probate court to be distributed among successors. However, the grieving family can avoid probate for certain items, such as boats, as long as they value less than $75,000. Title transfers normally move to surviving spouses…

The small estate affidavit allows heirs, from family to creditors, to claim the real estate property of a decedent in Wisconsin. If there are no surviving spouses, partners, or children, and no disputes regarding the real estate property in probate court, then the heirs may file the small estate affidavit….