Utah Affidavit of Heirship

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In order to claim a deceased loved one’s motor vehicles – including cars, trucks, and RV homes – the heir(s) must file an affidavit of heirship specifically for vehicles in South Dakota. This document states that at least 30 days have passed since their loved one died, and the total…

According to Nevada’s statutes Nev. Rev. Stat. Ann. § 146.080, amended by 2105 Nevada Laws Ch. 169 (A.B. 130), successors not directly related to the decedent may file an affidavit of heirship for personal property valued up to $20,000. If a surviving spouse files, then the estate may value up…

The Arizona Affidavit of Heirship for Real Estate allows successors to transfer real estate, finances, cars, and other “property” after the owner has died, without the need for a will or probate court. The estate must be valued at less than $100,000 for Arizona to grant this affidavit – larger…

The affidavit of heirship in North Dakota is governed by statute 30.1-23-01. (3-1201). For loved ones who wish to claim a decedent’s personal property such as bank accounts, trusts, or vehicles, there is a 30-day waiting period after filing the affidavit of heirship, and the personal property may not value…

If a loved one owns property in North Carolina and dies without a last will or testament, then loved ones may file a small estate affidavit to claim real estate and distribute it among heirs outside of probate court. However, the estate must not value more than $20,000, and the…