Utah Affidavit of Heirship
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Per Kentucky’s statute KRS 382.335 & 382.240, successors may file for their deceased loved one’s personal property – such as bank accounts, 401(k)’s, and even final paychecks – by submitting a completed affidavit of heirship. The decedent’s estate may not exceed $15,000, or it will go automatically to probate court…
If a Kentucky resident passes away, according to the state’s statute §395.455, successors of the decedent may file a small estate affidavit to claim the decedent’s real and personal property. The property must be valued at less than $30,000, and the successors must file within the county where the decedent…
When 30 days have elapsed after a decedent’s passing in Wyoming, heirs may file the affidavit of heirship to claim bank accounts, debts like final paychecks, heirlooms, and vehicles belonging to the deceased. If these items value more than $150,000 total, and there is no will, then the estate will…
Under Indiana statute Ind. Code § 29-1-8-1, a deceased person’s heirs, whether biological, through marriage, or otherwise, may file one affidavit – the small estate affidavit – to claim the decedent’s estate, as long as the personal property, bank accounts, and real estate combined value less than $50,000. This form…
Maryland’s small estate affidavit allows successors to claim real estate valued no more than $50,000. If a loved one passes away without a will or trust, the family can choose to avoid probate court by filing the small estate affidavit to claim or sell the decedent’s real estate as they…