In Missouri, the affidavit of heirship and the small estate affidavit essentially work the same way, and cover real estate. In other states, the affidavit of heirship covers personal property such as vehicles or bank accounts, but in Missouri, the successors must also file a document called the Determination of Heirship to claim personal property. Missouri Revised Statutes Section 473.097.1 state that the deceased must have been dead for 1 year or more, and the total estate may not exceed $40,000.
How to Write
Step 1 – Download in Adobe PDF or Microsoft Word (.doc).
Step 2 – Fill-in the following blanks respectively:
- Identify all heirs of the estate
- Your legal name and address
- List your relationship with the decedent
- Timeline of relationship
- Name of any/all spouses including date(s) or marriage, divorce, and death (if any)
- Name of any/all children including date(s) or marriage, divorce, and death (if any)
- Name of any/all grandchildren including date(s) or marriage, divorce, and death (if any)
- Name of any/all parents including date(s) or marriage, divorce, and death (if any)
- Name of any/all brothers & sisters including date(s) or marriage, divorce, and death (if any)
- Name of any/all nieces & nephews including date(s) or marriage, divorce, and death (if any)
Step 3 – Obtain a notarized copy of the death certificate, and sign the document with a notary public.